March 12: Message from M. Donovan

Posted: March 12, 2020


Anglophone School District – North (ASD-N)

Covid-19 Key Messages

March 12, 2020


The health and safety of our students, staff and community remains our primary priority.

Therefore, please note the following key messages:

 ASD-N is working in consultation with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development regarding the exclusion guidelines imposed by the Minister of Education on March 9th. We will continue to follow EECD’s direction going forward as we all deal with this ongoing COVID-19 situation.

 ASD-N shares the concerns of our school communities and staff pertaining to health and safety. We will continue to take all of the precautions recommended by the Department of Health pertaining to the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

Questions & Answers:

1) My child has an illness/compromised immune system and I’m worried?

 If you feel it is unsafe for your child to attend school for any reason then you are able to keep them home without penalty.

2) What about a trip that we have had pre-booked? Will my child be marked absent? Will my child have to self -isolate?

 It is your own personal decision to maintain any future travel plans. Please consult Public Health’s guidelines on travel for updated information:

3) Is the United States considered international?

 Yes; with the exception of Maine according to EECD’s latest exclusion guidelines.

4) How can I get work sent home for my child?

 Schools are managing these requests to the best of their ability given the high number of absences due to this ongoing situation. Please contact your school.

5) Why are some students home and others who travelled allowed to attend school?

 The Minister’s deadline for international travel exclusions was March 9th.

6) What if my child falls behind in their work?

 The schools will do their best to support students who are missing time due to COVID-19 related concerns.

7) Can family members from other provinces visit my home or will my children be isolated?

 As of EECD’s current guidelines only the travelers who have travelled internationally (with the exception of Maine) will be excluded from schools/daycares and district offices for 14 days. Your child will not be isolated for any visitors from elsewhere in Canada.

8) I know of others who did travel and are not staying home. What will be done?

 We are relying on peoples’ honesty to disclose any international travel after March 8th.

9) What if my child has negative reactions, i.e. bullying or anxiety, from other students and from teachers upon return?

 Please address any concerns on an as-needs basis with the school administration/guidance counselors.

Mark Donovan
