Posted: September 29, 2017
Happy Birthday to those who were not allowed to celebrate their birthday while attending a Residential
School! We are lucky to be able to have these special days at our school.
Posted: September 29, 2017
Happy Birthday to those who were not allowed to celebrate their birthday while attending a Residential
School! We are lucky to be able to have these special days at our school.
Posted: September 29, 2017
Posted: September 15, 2017
Posted: September 15, 2017
Posted: September 5, 2017
Posted: September 5, 2017
I must say that this was my best first day ever!! The students are so sweet, polite and comical! It's going to be a great year!
Pictures will be posted once we receive the parent's permission to do so!
Posted: September 1, 2017
I am beyond excited to be your child's K-1 teacher! I have been preparing for their arrival and can't wait to work with them throughout the year!
Reminders: If you haven't already, please pay the school supply fee of $50.00
Students need to bring indoor sneakers that remain at the school
There will be important notes sent home with your child the first week of school. Please read, sign (if applicable) and return these as soon as possible. Thank You!
Together we can make this a fantastic year!
Posted: June 27, 2017
Posted: June 27, 2017
Posted: June 27, 2017