Posted: November 29, 2020
Report cards will be sent home on Dec. 1st.
Parent Teacher will take place Dec. 3rd: evening and Dec.4th: am. Slips will be sent home with times to set up calls or Teams Conferences.
Posted: November 29, 2020
Report cards will be sent home on Dec. 1st.
Parent Teacher will take place Dec. 3rd: evening and Dec.4th: am. Slips will be sent home with times to set up calls or Teams Conferences.
Posted: November 29, 2020
Students in Grade 4/5 have been working hard on starting their Christmas Concert preperations.
The concert will take place in Dec. 18th. Filming schedule will be sent out soon.
Posted: November 22, 2020
Happy to say we have recived funding to gather supplies for an outdoor classroom! We're so exctied to start building, creating and learning outside :)
Posted: November 7, 2020
This year we will be participating in a virutal remembrance day ceremenony.
Posted: October 29, 2020
Grade 4/5 had some spooky mystery boxes for today's Halloween activities!
Thanks to everyone who participated :)
Posted: October 5, 2020
Welcome October!
Posted: September 13, 2020
Just a reminder to those who have not paid their supply fee, please get that in as soon as possible.
Posted: September 7, 2020
Can't wait to see the the grade 4s tomorrow!
Posted: August 27, 2020
Posted: June 1, 2020